Friends' wonderful visit to the JAHM

Friends' wonderful visit to the JAHM

The Friends of KDS group spent an enjoyable morning this week at the Justin Art House Museum (JAHM) viewing the current Gender and Art exhibition. Visits to JAHM have been regular and eagerly awaited calendar events since the group was formed.

Whilst acknowledging the complexity and potential minefield in any current discussions of genre, the Justins with each artist’s consent, have reduced the variables to male and female as a mechanism to explore what influence if any, gender makes. The 64 works selected from their collection pair male and female artists to create 32 pairings.

What a wonderful task Leah and Charles set themselves deciding on which pieces to pair. The exhibition is beautifully curated with interesting pairings based on some elements that tie the works together. This could be the artist’s style, subject matter, colour palate and even size. Given the work is abstract, what would provide clues on the gender of the artist? The question was thrown back at the audience by Charles and in responding, the audience pondered their own biases, pre-conceptions and social conditioning. No, big doesn’t mean it’s a male artist, while female artists also use bold colours and strong graphic elements.

There was a lively exchange of ideas during the morning, followed by the usual delicious morning tea provided by the Justins in their private apartment.

It’s always a pleasure to visit JAHM, to see contemporary art in a boutique art-house gallery and to interrogate ideas raised by the art that deal with issues of the day. You can subscribe to the JAHM mailing list through their website

Our thanks to Leah and Charles for their warm hospitality and support of FKDS.

FKDS’ next art event is a unique opportunity to visit the noted sculptor and artist, Deborah Halpern in her Warrandyte studio on Sunday 2 October.